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Paying a ransom should not be your only option following a ransomware attack. Businesses can recover quickly without paying extortionists if they have a strong remediation plan based on their backups.

Fortunately, Rubrik and SHI provide instant recovery from immutable backups that cannot be compromised. Schedule a Zoom call or onsite meeting with a customer and your Rubrik team to learn about how Rubrik is helping numerous SHI customers protect themselves against ransomware. At the end of each call your customer will get to also choose a $100 Amazon Gift Card, Apple Air Pod Pros, Charity Donation, or Yeti Hopper Flip 12.

Fill out the form on the right to claim prizes for you, your SE and your customer.

All virtual zoom or onsite meetings must be executed before April, 2023. This promotion is intended for new prospects of SHI and Rubrik at the manager level or above whose company meets data storage and back-up environment requirements. Limited to one per company. See Terms and Conditions.

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Speaker Name / Headline

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Then even more details in a few lines below. This is a good spot to include a brief bio/description.

Speaker Name / Headline

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Then even more details in a few lines below. This is a good spot to include a brief bio/description.


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